Friday, March 27, 2009

Special Education Resources

Finding special education (special needs) resources for students that yield results can be challenging for administrators and teachers leaving many students who need transitioning assistance falling behind. Training programs for transitioning and career development are often lacking the support that teachers and administrators require and many special needs students are being taught by programs that are not compliant to government standards such as Indicator 13 compliancy.

Since 1980, Talent Assessment, Inc. has been producing and developing hands-on comprehensive assessment and training programs for schools with special needs and regular needs students. We provide special education resources, software and staff training for evaluation to help exceptional and regular student transition. Special needs, special education and exceptional education programs that we provide have been proven effective for nearly thirty years.

Administrators have been using our training programs that are developed for special needs communities in the elementary, middle school, high school as well as for young adults wishing to transition and/or improve their math and reading as well as focusing on the following:

Functional Career/Vocational AssessmentsInterest/Vocational PersonalityAptitude Comprehensive Work Development/Career Portfolio Development/Career & Academic Planners /Job Placement

Job Talk is one such program that was designed for special needs students and young adults who function at a lower level of reading and math. Job Talk has been proven effective for middle and high school students as well as young adults who are transitioning into real world working environments. Administrators and teachers have been utilizing Job Talk to teach special needs and regular needs students to locate key words within the context of the real working world through the use of high interest training techniques, flash cards and technical terms.

For additional information regarding our programs for special needs or regular needs students and young adults, administrators, teachers and parents can visit

Monday, March 2, 2009

PAES: Work Development and Transition

Greetings and welcome to the PAES Users Blog. Design for you to share comments and tips about PAES. PAES is a Hands-on Work Development Program for Special Exceptional Individuals. PAES prepares individuals for the real working world.

Thank You for your participation.

Ben P. Borden President

Talent Assessment, Inc.